08 Feb Internet Marketing Series #4: Content Management for Franchise Leads and Contacts
Our most recent piece in this series focused on List Building – keeping your contacts and prospects organized.
Building on that idea, we’ve come to our next strategy: Content Management for your franchise sales leads. Being able to store and retrieve your information easily is as important as the information itself. Most growing businesses will need some sort of internal Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) that stores all of your information in an easy-to-navigate way.
A quality CRM allows you to input and navigate data with as little manual data entry as possible. It should be able to label your contacts and allow you to input as many details about your prospects and contacts as possible. Consider conducting a survey, taking a poll, or hosting a giveaway to obtain these details.
Using your CRM, you should also consider organizing your prospects by what actions they’ve taken – ie: who has clicked on your videos, commented on your franchise social media outlets, or filled out contact forms? This will help you understand the demographics of the market you’re reaching.
Some CRMs can also send out targeted messages in the form of emails or campaigns. By incorporating the details you know about what actions certain prospects have taken, you’ll know which targeted messages to send to whom.
Stay tuned for more next week!