Internet Marketing Series #5: Franchise Internet Marketing through Email

29 Feb Internet Marketing Series #5: Franchise Internet Marketing through Email

We all know the beauty of email at this point. It’s free, it’s fast, and it’s easy. We’ve discussed the importance of List Building and Content Management for franchise leads in the past weeks. Now it’s time to reach discuss how to reach those leads in the most effective way possible: enter email marketing!

Get better Open Rates. [frame align=”right”]thumb_300_300_managed-services-franchise65bj

First of all, start tracking your open rates – how much your emails are actually getting opened – if you’re not already doing it. Once you know your open rates, identify how to make them even better. One way is to avoid using spam words, because spam filters are getting more and more sensitive. Avoid words like “free,” “cheap,” “click here,” and “discount.”

Make sure to focus on that ever-important subject line – it has the power to determine whether the recipient will open the email. The subject should be interesting, but not promise something outlandish that you can’t follow through on.
Next, make sure your content is significant to the recipient – that you’re saying something that is of value to them- and that you’re using your most up-to-date contact list.

Create emails that are attention-grabbing!

Think about aesthetic as well as content with this one. Too many images can seem overwhelming. Think about who your audience is, and don’t be afraid to sound personal while still being clear and straightforward with what you’re conveying.

Create a Strategy for your emails, and stick with it!
Franchise marketing strategies through email should work to a common goal. You could do a top-ten list or series so that the recipient knows what to expect in the coming emails. At the end of the series, consider a call to action.

Make use of links and video [frame align=”right”]HandshakeBusinessmen_MI (2)-resize-600x338

Multimedia is a great way to grab attention – people love watching videos and slideshows because they take little effort and are (hopefully) entertaining. You can also provide useful, interesting links to whatever you’d like – blog posts or press releases are a great thing to include.

Follow up thoroughly and consistently

It often takes several communication attempts with a lead before anything really comes of your efforts. Be patient and be consistent, working to build a trust along the way by providing useful information and not being pushy.

Email Marketing, when done thoughtfully and strategically, really can work wonders for franchise promotion. Hopefully these ideas helped you in your own marketing campaign efforts! We can always help with strategic marketing too – give us a call at 888.915.6442!